Desertification News

43 stories

We must prioritize rangeland conservation for planetary health and biodiversity (commentary)

Study looks for success factors in African projects that heal land and help people

Agroecology offers blueprint for resilient farming in northern Ghana

Local NGO RAINS brings relief to Ghana’s semiarid north with regenerative farming

In Madagascar, Taniala Regenerative Camp aims to heal deforestation scars

Why I quit the film industry to work on ecological restoration (commentary)

In a desertscape in Brazil, science brings farms to bountiful life

Uzbekistan plants a forest where a sea once lay

Shining a spotlight on the wide-roaming sand cat ‘king of the desert’

Battling desertification: Bringing soil back to life in semiarid Spain

Cut down once again: Uncontrolled logging puts new Sahel reforestation projects at risk

Can land titles save Madagascar’s embattled biodiversity and people?

Villagers turn to charcoal made from bamboo to save a protected forest in Madagascar

Nigerian refugees in Cameroon turn biomass into charcoal to spare trees

Cameroon’s Nigerian refugees who degraded their camp are now vanguards of reforestation

Can wonder plant spekboom really bring smiles back to sad South African towns?

Getting African grasslands right, for people and wildlife alike: Q&A with Susanne Vetter

Mali’s centuries-old pastoralist traditions wilt as the climate changes

Farmers regreen Kenya’s drylands with agroforestry and an app

Mexico devises revolutionary method to reverse semiarid land degradation

Cerrado desertification: Savanna could collapse within 30 years, says study

A novel tree nursery gives the Caatinga a fighting chance against desertification

Humanity’s challenge of the century: Conserving Earth’s freshwater systems

Nigeria pledges to restore nearly 10 million acres of degraded land

UNEP official calls for ‘coherent planning’ as Aichi falters in Africa

Healthy soils can boost food security and climate resilience for millions (commentary)

Pressure over water in Brazil puts pulp industry in the spotlight

Bolivia’s second largest lake disappears, due to desertification and contamination

How termites hold back the desert

How locals and conservationists saved the elephants of Mali amidst conflict and poverty

Water crisis widening: 4.5 billion people live near ‘impaired water sources’

Nearly a million people face food crisis in Niger

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