Corporate responsibility News

362 stories

Brazil’s fundamental pesticide law under attack

Brazilian Supreme Court ruling protects Quilombola land rights for now

Bridgestone aims for full sustainability by 2050

Venezuela: can a failing state protect its environment and its people?

Zero-deforestation pledges need help, support to meet targets, new study finds

Pope’s message to Amazonia inspires hope, but will it bring action?

Brazil announces end to Amazon mega-dam building policy

Mine tailings dam failures major cause of environmental disasters: report

EU-LatAm trade deal good for agribusiness; bad for Amazon, climate – analysis

Top Argentine glacier scientist charged over cyanide mine spill

Brazil / UK push offshore oil pact, a potential climate change disaster

Companies still not doing enough to cut deforestation from commodities supply chains: report

Ferrogrão grain railway threatens Amazon indigenous groups, forest

Damming or damning the Amazon: Assessing Ecuador / China cooperation

Another blow to troubled Madagascar rare earth mine

Chocolate makers agree to stop cutting down forests in West Africa for cocoa

Alliance of the Bear: Native groups stymie Trump, tar sands pipelines

Mining activity causing nearly 10 percent of Amazon deforestation

Major global companies commit to halting destruction of Brazilian Cerrado

Poor grade for Malaysia, Singapore brands in palm oil sustainability: WWF

Troubled firm aims to mine Madagascar forest for rare earth elements

Rainforest Alliance, UTZ announce merger to create single sustainability standard and certification program

FSC to investigate Korean conglomerate’s palm oil operations in Indonesia

New soy-driven forest destruction exposed in South America

It’s time for the insurance industry to unfriend coal (commentary)

Industry-NGO coalition releases toolkit for making ‘No Deforestation’ commitments a reality on the ground

The land is forever: Rodrigo Tot wins Goldman Prize for land-title quest

Ex-mine security head cleared of murder, assault against indigenous Guatemalans

Rio Tinto walks away from environmental responsibility for Bougainville’s Panguna mine

Indonesia’s clean coal dreams

Japanese, Singaporean banks finance controversial Indonesian coal plant

Proposed Trump policy threatens Critically Endangered Grauer’s gorilla

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