Controversial News

533 stories

Armed conflict, not Batwa people, at heart of Grauer’s gorillas’ past decline in DRC park

Biomass power grows in Japan despite new understanding of climate risks

Mongabay investigation is turned into art for World Press Freedom Day event

Enviva bankruptcy fallout ripples through biomass industry, U.S. and EU

Study: Burning wood pellets for energy endangers local communities’ health

Paradise lost? Brazil’s biggest bauxite mining firm denies riverine rights

Enviva, the world’s largest biomass energy company, is near collapse

Study links pesticides to child cancer deaths in Brazilian Amazon & Cerrado

Ahead of COP28, pope spurs policymakers, faith leaders to push climate action

Pope Francis condemns world leaders for deeply flawed UN climate process

Climate emergency may channel millions in resources toward corn-based ethanol in the Amazon

Can the EU’s deforestation law save Argentina’s Gran Chaco from soy?

Militarized conservation: Insecurity for some, security for others? (commentary)

Financial downturn at Enviva could mean trouble for biomass energy

For Dutch farming crisis, agroforestry offers solutions: Q&A with Lennart Fuchs & Marc Buiter

The EU banned Russian wood pellet imports; South Korea took them all

Poisoned by pesticides: Health crisis deepens in Brazil’s Indigenous communities

The Netherlands to stop paying subsidies to ‘untruthful’ biomass firms

Australia rejects forest biomass in first blow to wood pellet industry

As EU finalizes renewable energy plan, forest advocates condemn biomass

Whistleblower: Enviva claim of ‘being good for the planet… all nonsense’

Mongabay probe key as Brazil court rules on palm oil pesticide contamination

EU votes to keep woody biomass as renewable energy, ignores climate risk

Biomass cofiring loopholes put coal on open-ended life support in Asia

The war on journalists and environmental defenders in the Amazon continues (commentary)

As biomass burning surges in Japan and South Korea, where will Asia get its wood?

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee urges scale back of biomass burning

Missing the emissions for the trees: Biomass burning booms in East Asia

Export of elephants to UAE drags Namibia wildlife policy into the spotlight

Activists vow to take EU to court to fight its forest biomass policies

John Deere and Brazilian bank team up to equip farmers deforesting the Amazon

Mongabay’s top Amazon stories from 2021

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