Conservation News

10321 stories

Survey uncovers ‘wildlife treasure’ in Cambodian park — but also signs of threats

As Gálapagos ecotourism booms, top naturalist guide urges sustainability

Traditional ecological knowledge isn’t dying — it’s adapting and transforming (Commentary)

New study assesses threat to wildlife from cacao expansion in Congo Basin

Helicopters slash the trek to Earth’s highest peak, but leave Sherpas grounded

‘An oval with legs’: In search of Tanzania’s tiny island antelope

Growing conservation and community: Interview with Ngezi reserve chief

Probe details the playbook of one of Amazon’s top land grabbers

River culture is the rhythmic pulse of the Bengal Delta (commentary)

In Bangladesh, a botanist brings quick, fun lessons to social media

Plans for bauxite mine in Suriname reignite Indigenous land rights debate

Ogoni women restore mangroves and livelihoods in oil-rich Niger Delta

Elephants, gorillas and chimps hold out in Cameroon’s largest protected landscape

Satellite ‘backpacks’ help keep track of parrot migration in Mexico

African Parks closes deal to manage Ethiopia’s Gambella National Park

Mining in a forest conservation site clouds Republic of Congo’s carbon credit scheme

The paradox of balancing conservation efforts for Himalayan wolves and snow leopards (commentary)

‘LIFE’ scores map out where habitat loss for crops drives extinction

Global ocean temperatures set new record in 2024

Cameroon aims to double cacao, coffee production, yet also save forests

Krahô women lead Indigenous guard to protect territory in Brazil

El Salvador reverses landmark mining ban, setting up clash with activists

For Ugandan farmers, good fences make good neighbors — of elephants

Right whales can live to 130, but in North America they die young

Indonesia’s voracious songbird trade laps up rare and poisonous pitohuis

How tortoise conservationist Hery Razafimamonjiraibe manages risks to antipoaching teams

It’s time for a U.N. ‘universal declaration on nature’ (commentary)

One atlas to map all ecosystems on Earth: Interview with Yana Gevorgyan

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Indigenous communities come together to protect the Colombian Amazon

Atlantic puffins are perilously attracted to artificial light, new study shows

How the U.S. got no old growth forest protections from the Biden Administration (commentary)

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