Coastal ecosystems News

413 stories

Ogoni women restore mangroves and livelihoods in oil-rich Niger Delta

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Atlantic puffins are perilously attracted to artificial light, new study shows

After trial and error, Mexican fishers find key to reforesting a mangrove haven

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

How are mangrove restoration projects doing?: Interview with Tom Worthington

As Sumatra loses mangroves to oil palms, local fishers also suffer

An ‘ocean grab’ for a property megaproject leaves Jakarta fishers grounded

Indonesia fisheries minister eyes aquaculture expansion under Prabowo

Thailand’s budding mangrove restoration plans spark both hope and concern

The disappearing red ghost crabs of Cox’s Bazar, a conservation crisis in Bangladesh

Javan fisherwomen lead fight against marine dredging amid fears of damage

Coastal farmers in Bangladesh give up shrimp farming for agriculture to combat salinity

Cambodian fishers-turned-citizen scientists monitor marine mammal deaths

Amid haze of war, Lebanese activists helped turtle hatchlings journey to sea

NGOs raise concerns over oil exploration in Republic of Congo national park

Experts call for urgent action as invasive species threatens Brazil mangroves

Not merely ‘exploration’: PNG deep-sea mining riles critics & surprises officials

Sri Lanka’s blue carbon ecosystems at risk as government seeks way out of economic crisis

In the Sundarbans, women are embracing mangrove restoration as an alternative livelihood

50 years of data show that Madagascar’s mangroves are making a comeback

On Canada’s West Coast, clam gardening builds resilience among Indigenous youth

Cambodia’s largest mangrove forest is ‘teeming with life,’ biodiversity survey finds

A tribe once declared ‘extinct’ helps reintroduce salmon to the Columbia River

In choice of mangroves or livelihood, Vietnam shrimp farmers choose the latter

Protecting Nigeria one child & one tree at a time: Interview with Doyinsola Ogunye

Shaping the next generation of Indigenous rangers: Interview with Manni Edwards

Sundarbans fisherfolk are battered by cyclones amid fishing bans

Shrimp farms threaten Mexico’s mangroves and the jaguars that inhabit them

‘It is indeed our problem’: Interview with Mário Soares on Brazil’s mangroves

Indonesia must integrate marine protection with fisheries subsidies, study says

Bali’s rapid coastal erosion threatens island’s ecosystems & communities: Study

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