Climate modeling News

218 stories

Most of world’s forests could be gone by 2100

Snow in Antarctic not falling to counter sea level rise

Sun, not carbon dioxide, primary driver of ice ages says new theory

War of words over new climate change report, ‘hockey stick’ model

Alps could lose 80% of glacier cover by 2100

Future crop yields lower than expected under higher carbon dioxide levels

Warming could cause rain forests to release more carbon dioxide

Extreme global warming likely by end of century

Global warming may be worse than predicted

Birthplace of hurricanes heating up say NOAA scientists

Global warming to be more moderate than some expect

Plants may absorb less carbon dioxide than initially believed

Pollution from smog linked to climate warming in the Arctic

Tree plantations for carbon sequestration may cause environmental problems

Changes in forest cover could affect climate as much as greenhouse gases in some areas

Future forests may absorb more carbon dioxide than current forests

Soil moisture, root depth influence climate models

Temperate forests may worsen global warming, tropical forests fight higher temperatures

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels closely correlated with global temperatures

Average temperatures climbing faster than thought in North America

Ocean levels rising twice as fast

14.5 degree increase in Earth’s temperature possible finds new model

Africa Heats Up — climate change threatens future of the continent

Climate changing faster than ever — sea levels may rise 1 foot by 2100

Rising carbon dioxide levels could devastate marine food chain

Hurricane Katrina damage just a dose of what’s to come

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