Cellulosic ethanol News

33 stories

Prairie grass-based biofuels could meet half current fuel demand without affecting forests, food

Will hydrocarbon biofuels replace gasoline and ethanol?

Economic crisis hurts forestry sector, sustainability initiatives

Cellulosic ethanol healthier, better for the environment, than corn ethanol

Cellulosic biofuels endanger old-growth forests in the southern U.S.

U.S. needs environmental standards for biofuels

Europe cuts biofuel targets to 4% in 2015, 6% in 2020

Future threats to the Amazon rainforest

Using farm waste for ethanol may hurt crop yields in some areas

Cellulosic biofuels may be viable alternative to gas within 5 years

Next gen biofuels could decimate rainforests

Cellulosic energy may trigger dramatic collapse in the Amazon

Corn ethanol is worsening the Gulf dead zone

Biofuels are worsening global warming

U.S. biofuels policy drives deforestation in Indonesia, the Amazon

Cellulosic ethanol production could fight Gulf Dead Zone, help fisheries

E.U. may ban palm oil biodiesel

Switchgrass a better biofuel source than corn

Economics of next generation biofuels

Miscanthus bests switchgrass as biofuel source

Biofuels demand will increase, not decrease, world food supplies

New green biofuels process could meet all U.S. transportation needs

Government pledges $385M for cellulosic ethanol

Termites can make ethanol

Weedy grass could free U.S. of foreign oil dependence says biologist

Ethanol always not as green as some believe

Switchgrass-based ethanol could cost $1 per gallon, reduce foreign oil dependence

Genetically modified tree could be used for cellulosic ethanol biofuel

Cellulosic ethanol fuels environmental concerns

Corn waste potentially useful for more than ethanol

High oil prices fuel bioenergy push

Scientists closer to understanding key to cellulosic biofuels

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