Cacao News

48 stories

New study assesses threat to wildlife from cacao expansion in Congo Basin

A Nigerian reserve, once a stronghold for chimps, is steadily losing its forest to farming

Biden Administration mistakenly seeks delay of EU’s new deforestation regulation (commentary)

New relatives of the cacao tree uncovered in old plant collections

DNA testing proves that cocoa originated in the Amazon and reveals robust pre-Columbian trade

Let’s reduce poverty & deforestation via greater EUDR traceability requirements (commentary)

As chocolate prices skyrocket from decades of deforestation, adopting agroforestry is key (commentary)

How agroecological cacao can save an endangered lion tamarin in southern Bahia

Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure

Sierra Leone cacao project boosts livelihoods and buffers biodiversity

Report shows Peru failed to stop Amazon deforestation for palm oil and cacao

Can agroforestry chocolate help save the world’s most endangered rainforest?

Study: Tall trees and shade boost bat diversity on Africa’s cocoa farms

Birds and bats help Peruvian cacao farmers gain higher yields, study says

Amazon-produced cacao offers climate solutions

Why farmers, not industry, must decide the future of cocoa (commentary)

With ‘sustainable’ cocoa, Mars pushes climate, market risks onto farmers

Endangered chimps ‘on the brink’ as Nigerian reserve is razed for agriculture, timber

Mongabay reporter sued in what appears to be a pattern of legal intimidation by Peruvian cacao company

Peruvian court dismisses defamation case against Mongabay journalist

Fomenting a “Perfect Storm” to push companies to change: Q&A with Glenn Hurowitz

It’s Juneteenth, but these American companies are still profiting from slavery (commentary)

Chocolate giant funds high resolution carbon map to protect forests

Science refutes United Cacao’s claim it didn’t deforest Peruvian Amazon

To save chocolate’s future, ‘start now and go big’ on agroforestry

Peruvian court absolves cacao company of illegal Amazon deforestation after “lobbying effort”

Technology innovations look to change the cacao landscape in Colombia

Positive ways forward for chocolate industry tainted by deforestation and child labor (commentary)

New report examines drivers of rising Amazon deforestation on country-by-country basis

The biggest rainforest news stories in 2018

Peru: Marañón dry forests protected as a regional conservation area

Peru: How chocolate saved a community and a protected area from the drug trade

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