Brazil News

3093 stories

Tapirs in Brazil’s Cerrado inspire research on human health & pesticides

Illegal mining in the Pan Amazon: an ecological disaster for floodplains and local communities

New FPIC guide designed to help protect Indigenous rights as mineral mining booms

A tiger cat gains new species designation, but conservation challenges remain

Mining in the Pan Amazon in pursuit of the world’s most precious metal

Tropical forest loss puts 2030 zero-deforestation target further out of reach

Mato Grosso shelves environmental license application for Amazon dam

Brazil’s Cerrado is main beneficiary of 2021 pledge to end deforestation

Cerrado mammals change their habits to escape humans, study shows

Agribusiness bill moves to block grassland protections in Brazilian biomes

Amazon prosecutors get sharper impact tool to charge illegal gold dealers

The environmental and social liabilities of the extractive sector

‘Planting water, eating Caatinga & irrigating with the sun’: Interview with agroecologist Tião Alves

How to reward tropical forest conservation: Interview with Tasso Azevedo

Deforestation from soy shows no sign of stopping in Cerrado, report says

Lula’s deforestation goals threatened by frustrated environmental agents

Fanned by El Niño, megafires in Brazil threaten Amazon’s preserved areas

Fires surge in the Amazon, but deforestation continues to fall

Projected Pantanal waterway threatens protected areas, may render navigation impossible

Brazilian youngsters discuss how they are tackling the climate emergency

Brazil’s Amazonian states push for court reforms in bid for justice

How a wind farm on Brazil’s coast erased a fishing village from the map

Reforestation and restoration: Two ways to make the Pan Amazon greener

Reconciling conservation agriculture and agroforestry for sustainability

Squeezed-out Amazon smallholders seek new frontiers in Brazil’s Roraima state

Brazil risks losing the Pampa grassland to soy farms and sand patches

Riverine communities join forces to preserve threatened Amazon turtles

Project retraces Darwin’s voyage, educating young conservation leaders

Fishers’ memories on par with scientific data on historic catches: Study

Migratory Amazonian catfish placed on the international protection list

Study on Brazilian heat wave deaths shows gender & racial disparities

Land irrigation as an obstacle to agricultural intensification in Mato Grosso

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