Botany News

126 stories

Alien plants invade Nigerian protected ‘gene bank’

Botanist killed in crossfire in Philippines

Losing nature’s medicine cabinet

Mass extinction fears widen: 22 percent of world’s plants endangered

Menanam Pohon Ara dapat Selamatkan Spesies Terancam di Borneo

Planting figs could save endangered species in Borneo

Ketika alam selamatkan nyawa Anda

When nature saves your life

Women in Bangladesh help biodiversity with homegardens

Local vegetation can point to the consequences of climate change, Israeli scientists say after extensive studies

New tree species discovered in Guyana is rich source of oil

World’s smallest orchid discovered in Ecuador

Present day tropical plant families survived in warmer, wetter tropics 58 million years ago

Plants recognize that family comes first

Will tropical trees survive climate change?, an interview with Kenneth J. Feeley

Tropical East Asian forests under great threat

Plant communities changing across the globe, says scientist Sasha Wright

Loss of genetic diversity hurts agriculture

Chocolate has been a delicacy north of Mexico for a thousand years

Photos: Google Earth used to find new species

What allows rainforests to grow so wildly?

Tropical species face high extinction risk

Invasive ant interferes with gecko’s role in pollinating endangered plant

Rainforest biodiversity results from habitat specialization rather than chance

Breakthrough may enable reforestation using mahogany

Loss of wildlife is threatening biodiverse forests in northeastern India

Regrowing the Amazon rainforest will require help from bats and birds

New tree species discovered in Amazon biodiversity hotspot

Account of 18th century Amazon adventurer to be published for the first time

20% of the Brazilian Amazon’s tree species to go extinct

Elephants may explain Mount Kilimanjaro’s bamboo enigma

Global warming threatens California’s native plants

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