Bold and dangerous ideas that may save the world News

304 stories

Germany backs out of Yasuni deal

Program that cuts illegal logging by providing high quality health care in Borneo wins major conservation award

Scientists scramble to save dying amphibians

What does Nature give us? A special Earth Day article

The ocean crisis: hope in troubled waters, an interview with Carl Safina

Is Obama’s clean energy revolution possible?

How Genghis Khan cooled the planet

Oil, indigenous people, and Ecuador’s big idea

Will biodiversity agreement save life on Earth?

Mixed messages on geoengineering: international community approves moratorium, US pushes research

Harrison Ford chides US for spurning international biodiversity treaty

Undergrads in the Amazon: American students witness beauty and crisis in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador

Jackpot: how international community could raise $141 billion for biodiversity

Environmentalists must recognize ‘biases and delusions’ to succeed

Humanity consuming the Earth: by 2030 we’ll need two planets

Farms in the sky, an interview with Dickson Despommier

Citizens of 188 countries challenge leaders on climate change

The Nestlé example: how responsible companies could end deforestation

Losing nature’s medicine cabinet

Could industrial interests ruin payments for environmental services?

Dapatkah Biochar Selamatkan Dunia?

Could biochar save the world?

Logged forests retain considerable biodiversity in Borneo providing conservation opportunity

Hunting threatens the other Amazon: where harpy eagles are common and jaguars easy to spot, an interview with Paul Rosolie

Bold rainforest idea makes good: Ecuador secures trust fund to save park from oil developers

Visiting the Gulf: how wildlife and people are faring in America’s worst environmental disaster, an interview with Jennifer Jacquet

Who’s really accountable for the BP oil spill?

Perusakan Hutan Skala Besar di Sumatera Lemahkan Kesepakatan Indonesia dengan Norwegia

Membayar untuk Alam: Terapkan Harga atas ‘Pelayanan Ekosistem’

Large-scale forest destruction in Sumatra undermines Indonesia’s deal with Norway

Paying for nature: putting a price on ‘ecosystem services’

UK’s Royal Society to undertake ‘comprehensive review’ of population growth

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