Bioenergy News

253 stories

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

South Korea slashes forest biomass energy subsidies in major policy reform

Indonesian forests put at risk by South Korean and Japanese biomass subsidies

Action against forest biomass subsidies gains momentum at COP16

Indonesia biomass zone for Japan and S. Korea energy razes rainforest in Sulawesi

New survey puts human face on pollution caused by U.S. wood pellet mills

Revealed: Biomass firm poised to clear Bornean rainforest for dubious ‘green’ energy

Delay of EU Deforestation Regulation may ‘be excuse to gut law,’ activists fear

Sugarcane megaproject poses latest threat to Papua’s forests, communities

UK’s Drax targets California forests for two major wood pellet plants

Study: Burning wood pellets for energy endangers local communities’ health

Indonesia pushes carbon-intensive ‘false solutions’ in its energy transition

Enviva, the world’s largest biomass energy company, is near collapse

Circular economy poised to go beyond outdated oil, gas and coal, experts say

Aviation’s climate conundrum: More than sustainable fuels needed

Timber harvests to meet global wood demand will bring soaring emissions: Study

Seas of grass may be dark horse candidate to fuel the planet — or not

Report: Forest-razing biomass plant in Indonesia got millions in green funds

Financial downturn at Enviva could mean trouble for biomass energy

Sargassum surges in Mexico: From nuisance to new green industry?

From palm oil waste to cellulosic ethanol: Indonesia’s opportunity (commentary)

Crud-to-crude: The global potential of biofuels made from human waste

As Exxon bows out, industry takes step toward sustainable algae biofuels

Jatropha: The biofuel that bombed seeks a path to redemption

EU woody biomass final policy continues threatening forests and climate: Critics

A liquid biofuels primer: Carbon-cutting hopes vs. real-world impacts

Japan, EU & UK biomass emissions standards fall short and are full of loopholes, critics say

France seeks EU okay to fund biomass plants, burn Amazon forest to power Spaceport

The EU banned Russian wood pellet imports; South Korea took them all

Australia rejects forest biomass in first blow to wood pellet industry

As EU finalizes renewable energy plan, forest advocates condemn biomass

EU’s winter energy crisis intensifies pressure on forests (commentary)

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