Atlantic ocean News

126 stories

Can we save the spiky yellow woodlouse, one of the most endangered isopods? (commentary)

‘There’s hope’ for North Atlantic right whales: Q&A with filmmaker Nadine Pequeneza

El Niño takes a toll on southern right whales in the Atlantic Ocean

Geneticists have identified new groups of tiger sharks to protect

Advocates welcome halt to shortfin mako shark fishing, call for longer ban

From the ocean floor, a startup livestreams the rise of coral cities

Deep seabed mining is risky. If something goes wrong, who will pay for it?

Two threatened whale groups had a mini baby boom, but not because of lockdown

‘Antithetical to science’: When deep-sea research meets mining interests

Sea turtles: Can these great marine migrators navigate rising human threats?

Worked to death: How a Chinese tuna juggernaut crushed its Indonesian workers

Will ‘ropeless’ fishing gear be seaworthy in time to save endangered whales?

Underwater gardeners restore seagrass meadows to keep oceans healthy

‘We are intimately connected with nature’: Q&A with oceanographer Kim McCoy

Climate change isn’t fueling algal blooms the way we think, study shows

‘Dark’ ships off Argentina ring alarms over possible illegal fishing

Satellites keep watch over global reef health in a world first

For Atlantic sea turtles, Sargasso Sea is home during the ‘lost years’

Reversing warming quickly could prevent worst climate change effects: Study

Ocean protection scheme can yield ‘triple benefits’ study says

‘Minke whales for dinner’: Norway’s controversial whale hunt is still on

How technology can help us achieve at least 30% ocean protection (commentary)

Human impacts leave reefs short on sharks and long on moray eels

For marine life, human noise pollution brings ‘death by a thousand cuts’

New paper highlights spread of organized crime from global fisheries

Can we predict where Amazon fires will occur? And to what end?

Sharks contaminated with plastic are ‘cause for concern’

Sharks are ‘functionally extinct’ in many global reef systems, study finds

Scientists agree on the need to protect 30% of the seas. But which 30%?

Only ‘A-list’ of coral reefs found to sustain ecosystems, livelihoods

New right whale protection measures announced by Canadian government

Climate fix? ‘Fertilizing’ oceans with iron unlikely to sequester more carbon

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