Antarctica News

164 stories

Game changer? Antarctic ice melt related to tropical weather shifts: Study

World is fast losing its cool: Polar regions in deep trouble, say scientists

Elephant seal native to Antarctica spotted for first time in tropical Sri Lanka

Emperor penguins could disappear by 2100 if nations don’t cap emissions

As climate crisis deepens, wildlife adapts, maybe with lessons for us

Protecting Antarctica beyond 2041: an interview with polar explorer Robert Swan

Antarctic sea ice declining ‘precipitously’ since 2014, study finds

Sponges supply DNA for new method of monitoring aquatic biodiversity

Penguin and seal poop powers life in Antarctica, study finds

Large emperor penguin colony suffers ‘catastrophic’ breeding failure

‘Like seeing a dinosaur’: Scientists locate mystery killer whales

Warmer waters shrink krill habitat around Antarctica

Antarctica now shedding ice six times faster than in 1979

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

Largest king penguin colony in the world has shrunk by 90%

Krill fishing companies pledge to protect key food of Antarctic animals

Species evolve more than twice as fast at poles as in tropics: study

Citizen science makes easy work of penguin time-lapse image bounty

Here’s how much Antarctica’s melting ice is already contributing to sea level rise

South Georgia declared ‘rat-free’ in largest-ever rodent eradication program

Humpback whales near Antarctica making a comeback, study finds

“Save the Krill” urges Greenpeace report

Climate change imperils tiny animal in the world’s most extreme continent

Penguin mega-colony discovered using satellites and drones, raising scientists’ hopes

Drone photography allows scientists to measure marine mammals without a catch

Watch: A minke whale’s view of the Antarctic

2017’s top 10 ocean news stories

Antarctica’s Larsen C calves giant 5,800 square kilometer iceberg

Microalgae genes help them adapt to harsh oceans, other species less lucky

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2016

Sea ice extent tumbles around both poles in November

World’s largest marine protected area created in Antarctica

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