Agribusiness News

315 stories

Enhancing biodiversity through the belly: Agroecology comes alive in Chile

Brazil punching below its weight in getting forest products to the world

Deforestation-free supply chains in Vietnam rely on working with small scale farmers (commentary)

Debt deal with deforester BrasilAgro puts UBS’s green commitment in question

Why we need the government to curb Amazon deforestation? (commentary)

As blazes on embargoed Amazon land surge, links to meat industry emerge

Old and new solutions pave way to net-zero emissions farming, studies show

Lessons from Brazil’s São Paulo droughts (commentary)

Cerrado desertification: Savanna could collapse within 30 years, says study

Bigger is badder when it comes to climate impact of farms in the Amazon

The key to averting environmental catastrophe is right beneath our feet

What stops the rubber industry from being sustainable? (commentary)

As illegal forest conversion for industrial ag worsens, this moment is pivotal (commentary)

Humanity’s challenge of the century: Conserving Earth’s freshwater systems

Criticizing Brazil over Amazon conservation will likely backfire (commentary)

Bolsonaro abandons enhanced Amazon commitment same day he makes it

The world needs a food movement based on agroecology and equity (commentary)

Beef giant JBS vows to go deforestation-free — 14 years from now

Can palm oil be grown sustainably? Agroforestry research suggests it can, and without chemicals

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

Brazil prosecutors cite Mongabay probe in new legal battle against palm oil firms

Can ‘Slow Food’ save Brazil’s fast-vanishing Cerrado savanna?

Guarani Indigenous men brutalized in Brazilian ‘expansion of violence’

Déjà vu as palm oil industry brings deforestation, pollution to Amazon

Review finds palm oil firm Golden Veroleum cleared carbon-rich Liberian forests

As Amazon forest-to-savanna tipping point looms, solutions remain elusive

‘Hungry’ palm oil, pulpwood firms behind Indonesia land-grab spike: Report

‘What’s at stake is the life of every being’: Saving the Brazilian Cerrado

Pandemic fails to slow agribusiness’s thirst for Cerrado’s water

‘Race against time’: Saving the snakes and lizards of Brazil’s Cerrado

Land inequality is worsening and fueling other social ills, report says

Restaura Cerrado: Saving Brazil’s savanna by reseeding and restoring it

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