30x30 conservation target News

58 stories

The world’s kelp needs help — less than 2% is highly protected

Nepal PM sums up 2024 shift away from conservation: ‘Fewer tigers, less forest’

Indonesia’s Indigenous communities sidelined from conservation

We need an Indigenous conservation state of mind (commentary)

Relief in Sri Lanka as key threat to nonprotected forests is repealed

What was achieved, and not, for Indigenous and local leaders at COP16

COP16 biodiversity meeting recap: Progress made, but finance lags

‘Glimmers of promise’ for 30×30 goal as UN report calls for boosted efforts

Global biodiversity financiers strategize at COP16 to end ‘perverse subsidies’

Indigenous territories & peoples are key to achieving COP16’s 30×30 target (commentary)

At COP16, conservationists will be neighbors with the legacy of fortress conservation (commentary)

What Indigenous leaders want from the COP16 U.N. biodiversity conference

Ahead of COP16, groups warn of rights abuses linked to ‘30×30’ goal

Efforts to save Cambodia’s coast tread water as fish stocks plummet

Human rights allegations prompt World Bank to freeze project’s funds in Tanzania

Global protected area policies spark conflicts with Mexico Indigenous groups

Not MPAs but OECMs: Can a new designation help conserve the ocean?

World Bank accused of supporting evictions, rights abuses at Tanzanian park

Funders commit $102.5 million to support tribal-led conservation efforts in the U.S.

Bankrolling biodiversity: How are private philanthropists investing in nature?

Citizen-run conservation booms in South America, despite state neglect

How you save the world with three words (commentary)

Panama ocean conference draws $20 billion, marine biodiversity commitments

Temperature extremes, plus ecological marginalization, raise species risk: Studies

Top 10 notable Indigenous stories of 2022

Nations adopt Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

COP15 deal needs a ‘holistic approach to conservation’: Q&A with Joan Carling and Ramiro Batzin

Amid struggling COP15 talks, Indigenous leaders from Canada offer some solutions

After 14 years of advocacy, the DRC president finally signs new Indigenous peoples law (commentary)

Indigenous lands hold the world’s healthiest forests – but only when their rights are protected

‘Birds are messengers’: Q&A with BirdLife’s Patricia Zurita

Kigali call to action a step forward but not far enough, Indigenous and local leaders say

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