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2. Almany, G.R. et al. (2013) Dispersal of grouper larvae drives local resource sharing in a coral reef fishery. Curr. Biol. 23, 626–630
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4. Bennett, N.J. and Dearden, P. (2014) Why local people do not support conservation: Community perceptions of marine protected area livelihood impacts, governance and management in Thailand. Mar. Policy 44, 107–116
5. Bonin, M.C. et al. (2016) The role of marine reserves in the replenishment of a locally impacted population of anemonefish on the Great Barrier Reef. Mol. Ecol. 25, 487–499
6. Di Ciommo, R.C. and Schiavetti, A. (2012) Women participation in the management of a marine protected area in Brazil. Ocean Coast. Manag. 62, 15–23
7. Claudet, J. et al. (2008) Marine reserves: Size and age do matter. Ecol. Lett. 11, 481–489
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10. Díaz, D. et al. (2016) A 25-year marine reserve as proxy for the unfished condition of an exploited species. Biol. Conserv. 203, 97–107
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14. Guidetti, P. (2007) Potential of marine reserves to cause community-wide changes beyond their boundaries. Soc. Conserv. Biol. 21, 540–545
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21. Lansing, D. (2009) The spaces of social capital: Livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. J. Lat. Am. Geogr. 8, 29–54
22. Lester, S.E. and Halpern, B.S. (2008) Biological responses in marine no-take reserves versus partially protected areas. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 367, 49–56
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29. Rees, S.E. et al. (2013) A thematic cost-benefit analysis of a marine protected area. J. Environ. Manage. 114, 476–485
30. Roberts, C.M. (2001) Effects of marine reserves on adjacent fisheries. Science. 294, 1920–1923
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33. Stamieszkin, K. et al. (2009) Management of a marine protected area for sustainability and conflict resolution: Lessons from Loreto Bay National Park (Baja California Sur, Mexico). Ocean Coast. Manag. 52, 449–458
34. Suman, D. et al. (1999) Perceptions and attitudes regarding marine reserves: A comparison of stakeholder groups in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Ocean Coast. Manag. 42, 1019–1040
35. Thomassin, A. et al. (2010) Social acceptability of a marine protected area: The case of Reunion Island. Ocean Coast. Manag. 53, 169–179
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37. Weeks, R. et al. (2010) Effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Philippines for biodiversity conservation. Conserv. Biol. 24, 531–540
38. Wells, S. et al. (2007) Towards the 2012 marine protected area targets in Eastern Africa. Ocean & Coastal Management. 50, 67-83.
39. *Edgar, J.G. et al. (2014) Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features. Nature. 506, 216-220
40. *Gill, D.A. et al. (2017) Capacity shortfalls hinder the performance of marine protected areas globally. Nature. 543, 665-669
41. *Mascia, M.B. et al. (2010) Impacts of marine protected areas on fishing communities. Conserv. Biol. 24, 1424-1429
42. Mumby, P.J. et al. (2007) Trophic cascade facilitates coral recruitment in a marine reserve. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104, 8362–8367
Additional studies referred to in the story:
43. Gurney, G.G. et al. (2014) Poverty and protected areas: An evaluation of a marine integrated conservation and development project in Indonesia. Global Environmental Change. 98–107.
44. Kerwath, S.E. et al. (2013) Marine protected area improves yield without disadvantaging fishers. Nature Communications. 4: 2347.
45. Goni, R. et al, (2010) Net contribution of spillover from a marine reserve to fishery catches. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 400: 233–243.
46. Vandeperre, F. et al. (2011) Effects of no-take area size and age of marine protected areas on fisheries yields: a meta-analytical approach. Fish and Fisheries. 12(4): 412–426.
47. McClanahan TR, Mangi S. (2000) Spillover of exploitable fishes from a marine park and its effect on the adjacent fishery. Ecological Applications. 10(6): 1792–1805.
48. Fletcher, W.J. et al. (2015) Large-scale expansion of no-take closures within the Great Barrier Reef has not enhanced fishery production. Ecological Applications. 25: 1187–1196.