Sarah Engel
Hello! My name is Sarah and I'm so excited to join the Mongabay team! I was introduced to Mongabay by my good friend Romi Castagnino, who does excellent work for Mongabay Latam. I grew up in a small town in southeastern Wisconsin, where I have always loved exploring the nature that surrounded me! In my childhood, I had access to gorgeous small lakes, forested areas, and Lake Michigan's beaches. I have had the opportunity to visit Costa Rica, Perú, and Spain, and all three trips have been defining moments in my life. Not only have I experienced the cultural and linguistic differences between these countries, but I've also gotten to explore the natural areas of each. I recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, where I doublemajored in Spanish and Psychology. In the future, I hope to contribute to research surrounding learning disabilities and language acquisition, and continue using the Spanish language in my daily life!
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