14 stories

Venezuela’s shrimp farms push for sustainability against hardship and oil spills

Venezuelan Amazon deforestation expands due to lawlessness, mining, fires: Reports

Crisis in Venezuela: Non-governmental organizations adapt to survive

Venezuelan crisis: Government censors environmental and scientific data

Venezuelan crisis: Caring for priceless botanical treasures in a failed state

Days of darkness: Venezuelan national emergency is also environmental crisis

Traditional groups sowing sustainable crops could save Venezuelan park

Venezuela’s hungry hunt wildlife, zoo animals, as economic crisis grows

Crisis in Venezuela: Caparo Experimental Station invaded by 200 farmers

Venezuelan gold strike prompts invasion by 3,000 miners, military raid

Thirst for coltan, gold threatens Venezuelan forests, indigenous lands

Lake Maracaibo: an oil development sacrifice zone dying from neglect

Gold mining in Venezuela: a “perfect storm” of illegality, deforestation and mafias

Trafficked tropical animals: the ghost exports of Venezuela

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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