Isaiah Esipisu
Isaiah Esipisu is a freelance journalist and a communications consultant based in Nairobi, Kenya.
He has 14 years experience in journalism and has published communication elements in various publications including the Inter Press Service (IPS), Thomson Reuters Foundation, SPORE Magazine, New Internationalist Magazine, Eyes on Malaria Magazine, the Daily Nation, The East African, People Daily, Standard Newspapers, The Agrolink magazine, The CliniMed magazine, the Kenya News Agency among others.
He is currently the Continental Coordinator for the Pan African Media for Climate Change (PAMACC), an association that brings together over 60 African journalists who write about climate change, agriculture and related issues.
Esipisu is a co-author for a handbook titled ‘Reporters Guide to the Millennium Development Goals,’ published by the Inter Press Institute (IPI).
In 2011, he co-authored the United Nations report titled ‘The Global Compact profiling private sector initiatives in Kenya 2000-2010.
In 2012, he won an award sponsored by Internews in Kenya and co-authored a photography book titled ‘The Kindest Cut,’ – focusing on voluntary male circumcision.
He has worked as a consultant for different organizations including Internews, KALRO (KASAL project), Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Arid Land Information Network (ALIN), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), ActionAid, Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), Egerton University, CABI among others.
He studied Journalism at the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication.