Hyury Potter
Hyury Potter is a freelance reporter who writes about corruption and the environment from Brazil. He wrote articles for The Intercept, DW Brazil, BBC Brazil, and InfoAmazonia. A graduate of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), he has worked at the Deutsche Welle newsroom in Bonn and at newspapers in the states of Santa Catarina and Pará, in Brazil. He is the author of the Mined Amazon project, supported in 2020 by the Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center. In 2019 the project won a Journalism Innovation Grant awarded by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and The Wall Street Journal.
Hyury Potter é repórter freelancer com foco em corrupção, meio ambiente e análise de dados. Tem textos publicados em The Intercept Brasil, DW Brasil, BBC Brasil e InfoAmazonia. Formado pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), tem passagens pela redação da Deutsche Welle, em Bonn (Alemanha), e por jornais de Santa Catarina e do Pará. É autor do projeto Amazônia Minada, financiado em 2020 pelo Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund e Pulitzer Center. Em 2019, o projeto recebeu uma bolsa de inovação em jornalismo concedida pelo International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) em parceria com o The Wall Street Journal.