76 stories

Bills before Brazil Congress slammed for rewarding Amazon land grabbers

Government inaction prompts voluntary REDD+ carbon credit boom in Brazil

We’re killing those tropical trees we’re counting on to absorb carbon dioxide

Investigation: Dutch, Japanese pension funds pay for Amazon deforestation

Fire burns Pantanal’s upland heart and threatens nature’s fragile balance

Stock indices let Brazil meatpackers shed ties to deforestation, draw investors

BlackRock’s $400m stake in Amazon meatpackers defies sustainability cred

Amazon meatpacking plants, a COVID-19 hotspot, may be ground zero for next pandemic

Mercury from gold mining contaminates Amazon communities’ staple fish

All talk, no walk: ‘Green’ financiers still support Amazon beef industry

Paper maze and lack of transparency cloak investment in companies involved in Amazon deforestation

Discovery of fish never recorded in the Amazon shows richness of Brazil’s Calha Norte

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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