59 stories

Amazon trees may absorb far less carbon than previously thought: study

Camera trap study reveals Amazon ocelot’s survival strategies

Amazon REDD+ scheme side-steps land rights to reward small forest producers

Shade or sun? Forest structure affects tree responses to Amazon drought

Brazil soy trade linked to widespread deforestation, carbon emissions

Brazil’s New Forest Code puts vast areas of protected Amazon forest at risk

Adapt to a changing Amazon now, or pay far higher price later, experts say

Amazon forests not changing fast enough to keep up with climate change: study

Extreme floods on the rise in the Amazon: study

Mega-dam costs outweigh benefits, global building spree should end: experts

Saving the Amazon has come at the cost of Cerrado deforestation: study

Deforestation-linked Brazilian beef still flowing into international markets: report

A river runs through it — and keeps the Amazon’s bird species diverse tracks commodities, links supply chains to deforestation risk

Plant response to rising CO2 levels may alter rainfall patterns across tropics

Hunting, fishing causing dramatic decline in Amazon river dolphins

Brazil’s actual forest-related CO2 emissions could blow by Paris pledge

Andes dams twice as numerous as thought are fragmenting the Amazon

Drought-driven wildfires on rise in Amazon basin, upping CO2 release

Natural World Heritage Sites in trouble, especially in the Tropics

Selective logging reduces biodiversity, disrupts Amazon ecosystems: study

Andes dams could threaten food security for millions in Amazon basin

Zero tolerance of deforestation likely only way to save Amazon gateway

Illegal bushmeat trade threatens human health and great apes

A dam shame: the plight of the Mekong giant catfish

Malayan Sun bear: bile trade threatens the World’s smallest bear

Study: Drought impedes tree growth, shuts down Amazon carbon sink

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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