Shreya Dasgupta


Shreya Dasgupta is a Newswire editor at Mongabay. She's a writer, editor and podcast producer, focusing on science and the environment.

909 stories

Good news! Some corals show surprising resilience to ocean acidification

Cacti more threatened than mammals and birds

Noise: an invisible threat that harms wildlife, degrades habitats

Photos: watch Africa’s annual wildebeest migration live online

Adorable echidna babies boost hope for critically endangered cousins

Poor management ails endangered Boeseman’s Rainbowfish aquaculture

Match the footprint: error-prone method of identifying wild cats

China and U.S. commit to end ivory trade

Crocodile conservationist awarded Field Museum’s prestigious prize

Surprise! Animals are active and plentiful during harsh, dark Arctic winters

Dolphins caught in fishing nets: to eat or not to eat?

Could a new map save the Sumatran rhino?

Indian Court protects Greenpeace against government crackdown again

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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