
119 stories

‘Landscape of fearlessness’: bushbuck emboldened following top-predator decline in Mozambique

Most communities not seeing promised oil palm payoff in Borneo, study finds

All you need is human feces: The strange world of dung beetle sampling

Slave labor found at second Starbucks-certified Brazilian coffee farm

When losing your soil means losing your livelihood (commentary)

In other news: Environmental stories from around the web, May 3, 2019

Malaysia calls on Southeast Asia to back palm oil against ‘unfair’ claims

Conservationists call for lasting ban on trade in Malagasy precious timber

In traffic-blighted Penang, transport upgrade plans raise hopes and fears

In Indonesia, bigger catches for a fishing village protecting its mangroves

Illegal logging poised to wipe Cambodian wildlife sanctuary off the map

Bolsonaro administration authorizes 150+ pesticides in first 100 days

Changing energy use in rural Africa with power from solar, clean stoves…and women

Hippos poop a lot of silica, and that’s critical for Africa’s rivers and lakes

It’s now or never for Madagascar’s biodiversity, experts say

Huge rubber plantation in Cameroon halts deforestation following rebuke

In Sri Lanka, a tiny new orchid bears an elephant’s name

Recently discovered Brazilian river dolphin’s calls could help us understand evolution of marine mammal communication

Controversial aquaculture projects threaten Myanmar’s remaining mangroves

Drone rediscovers Hawaiian flower thought to be extinct

Mobile app encourages Indian fishers to free entangled whale sharks

How India’s shrub frogs crossed a bridge to Sri Lanka – and changed forever

Western chimp numbers revised up to 53,000, but development threats loom

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