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New possible sighting of Ivory-billed woodpecker raises hope, skepticism

A press release came out recently that claimed a new sighting and photographs of the ‘extinct’ ivory-billed woodpecker. There hasn’t been a confirmed sighting of the ivory-billed woodpecker since the 1940s when the last known population lost its habitat to clearcutting. However, the news release has brought excitement, hope, but mostly skepticism among birding blogs.

The press release states that Daniel Rainsong saw and photographed an ivory-billed woodpecker twice in late December on the Sabine River in Texas. Rainsong is currently holding off on releasing the photos according to the news release until the find be verified.

“The photographs proving this new find are being sequestered to protect Mr. Rainsong’s right of claim in this discovery,” reads the press release, probably referring to the 50,000 dollar reward offered by Cornell for evidence of the ivory-billed woodpeckers’ existence.

However, doubts have rained on this new sighting: many believe it to be a hoax or simply another in a long list of sightings that will prove unverifiable.

The ivory-billed woodpecker generated big news when one was sighted in Arkansas in 2004, though there has been no verification of the sighting. In 2005 ornithologists say they sighted ivory-billed woodpeckers in Florida, but subsequent searches have found none.

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