Covering the Commons News

Humanity’s challenge of the century: Conserving Earth’s freshwater systems

New paper urges shift to ‘nature positivity’ to restore Earth

The HFC challenge: Can the Montreal Protocol continue its winning streak?

Arctic biodiversity at risk as world overshoots climate planetary boundary

Reversing warming quickly could prevent worst climate change effects: Study

‘Profound ignorance’: Microbes, a missing piece in the biodiversity puzzle

Leaders make bold climate pledges, but is it ‘all just smoke and mirrors?’: Critics

Humanity’s dysfunctional relationship with Earth can still be fixed, report says

Food systems drive a third of greenhouse gas emissions, study estimates

As COP26 looms and tropical deforestation soars, REDD+ debate roars on

Though humanity exceeds key ‘planetary boundaries’ there are many solutions

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

Oceans helped absorb our CFCs. They’re now going to emit them back out

New age of sail looks to slash massive maritime carbon emissions

Getting hands-on with pollination can boost cocoa yields, study shows

As Amazon forest-to-savanna tipping point looms, solutions remain elusive

‘Everything on this planet is connected’: Q&A with WWF’s Marco Lambertini

U.N. report lays out blueprint to end ‘suicidal war on nature’

500+ experts call on world’s nations to not burn forests to make energy

Will new US EPA head continue his opposition to burning forests for energy?

Death by 1,000 cuts: Are major insect losses imperiling life on Earth?

Protesters hold back military takeover of Balkans’ largest mountain pasture

Humanity’s ‘ecological Ponzi scheme’ sets up bleak future, scientists warn

For sustainable business, ‘planetary boundaries’ define the new rules

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