Normally we’re focused on international conservation and environmental science news here at the Mongabay Newscast, just as our reporting on is. But because there’s so much uncertainty around the new Trump Administration, especially its energy, environment, and climate policies, we decided to dedicate this episode to trying to answer some of those questions.
We’ve assembled quite a distinguished panel of experts to discuss what we can and can’t say about the Trump Administration’s plans. On this episode of the Mongabay Newscast, we first welcome Harvard professor, climate historian, and noted author Naomi Oreskes to talk about what stories she’s worried will get lost in the media’s hyperfocus on the chaos surrounding the new Trump Administration in the U.S. as well as her recent lecture at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in which she laid out an evidence-based case for why scientists should be speaking out about their work in public.
Oreskes has been Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University since 2013. Her research focuses on the Earth and environmental sciences, with a particular interest in understanding scientific consensus and dissent. Her 2010 book, Merchants of Doubt, How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco to Global warming, co-authored with Erik M. Conway, was shortlisted for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and received the 2011 Watson-Davis Prize from the History of Science Society. It was also made into a documentary of the same name.
We continue to take a look at what this year will bring for energy and the environment under President Trump with Bobby Magill, a senior science writer for Climate Central and the president of the Society of Environmental Journalists, which recently released a special backgrounder entitled “Turbulent Prospects on Environment-Energy Beat Likely in Trump Era.”
And we also welcome a third guest to the show, Jeff Ruch, executive director of the non-profit service organization Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. Jeff shares with us what he’s been hearing so far from employees of the Environmental Protection Agency about their concerns with the Trump Administration’s environmental policies.
Here’s this episode’s top news:
- The Philippines declares more than 100,000 acres as critical habitat
- African bush babies gain a new genus
- Camera traps reveal undiscovered leopard population in Javan forest
- Will there really be enough sustainable palm oil for the whole market?
- Trump administration delays listing of rusty patched bumblebee as endangered
- New species of dwarf lemur discovered in Madagascar
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Also, we’re excited to announce a new special reporting project that will explore the effectiveness of conservation projects in Madagascar. If you’re a journalist with strong analytical skills, story-telling abilities, and experience in doing deep investigative reporting on complex issues, please visit to learn more and send us your pitch. Travel funding is available, too.
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