Iceland News

14 stories

Icelandic government grants new license to whaling company to hunt 128 fin whales

North Atlantic orcas reveal the troubling persistence of toxic ocean pollutants

Iceland’s whaling paradox (commentary)

International outcry as Iceland lifts ban on what could be last whale hunt

‘No future’: Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns

Iceland won’t be killing any whales this year

Tool use in puffins may point to ‘underestimated’ intelligence in seabirds

Trawling: destructive fishing method is turning seafloors to ‘deserts’

Eruption yields bad news for iron fertilization-based geoengineering schemes

How much is the life of a whale worth?

Whaling talks break down: ban stays in place, yet whaling will continue

To whale or not to whale?: nations, environmental groups do some soul-searching

Iceland reaffirms whaling targets for 2009

Iceland raises whale killing quota to 150 fin whales, 100 minkes per year

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