Hong kong News

38 stories

Hong Kong as a reef fish haven? These scientists want to get the word out

Restoring Hong Kong’s oyster reefs, one abandoned oyster farm at a time

Alleged macaque-smuggling ring exposed as U.S. indicts Cambodian officials

Colorful new corals bedeck the busy waters off Hong Kong, study shows

Hospital waste, not masks, are plastic scourge of pandemic: Study

New bill seeks to end Hong Kong’s days as an illegal wildlife trade hub

Efforts to tackle shark fin trade need to focus closer to shore, study says

Mercury with that? Shark fins served with illegal doses of heavy metals

Caught on camera: Rare finless porpoises sighted in Hong Kong waters

Authorities seize record 26 tons of illegal shark fins in Hong Kong

DNA detective work reveals where in the ocean shark fins came from

Wild orchid trade in China is huge, overlooked and ‘devastating,’ study finds

Researchers and customs officials unite to fight wildlife trafficking using eDNA

Laurel Chor on photojournalism and Hong Kong’s ‘incredible biodiversity’

Seahorse trade continues despite export bans, study finds

DNA test helps officials spot dodgy shark shipments

Cities need forests too: A call for forests amid our concrete jungles (commentary)

Illegal ‘white gold,’ South Africa’s abalone, pouring into Hong Kong: TRAFFIC

Hong Kong votes to ban ivory trade by 2021

The curious case of the phantom hippo teeth

U.K. is the world’s biggest exporter of legal ivory, data analysis shows

Hong Kong officials seize ‘largest ever’ ivory shipment worth $9 million

Vaquita survival hinges on stopping international swim bladder trade

Hong Kong Ivory traders encouraging buyers to smuggle ivory: TRAFFIC

Bright lights, big city, tiny frog: Romer’s tree frog survives Hong Kong

Exotic populations hold hope for internationally traded endangered species

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2016

Hong Kong to ban ivory trade by 2021

Cathay Pacific bans shark fin shipments

‘Aquatic cocaine’: Illegal trade in swim bladders of rare fish puts world’s rarest porpoise at risk of extinction

Hong Kong’s pink dolphins could disappear due to airport expansion and bridge construction

Uncovered: How Hong Kong’s ‘legal’ ivory markets fuel elephant poaching

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