Europe News

696 stories

Nobu offers critically-endangered species to sushi diners

Ghana becomes first country to sign sustainable timber pact with the E.U.

China’s log imports fall 19% in first half of 2008 due to high prices

Biofuels 200 times more expensive than forest conservation for global warming mitigation

Baltic cod are shrinking due to overfishing

Google Earth reveals cattle have a built-in compass

Malaysian logging scandal may delay trade negotiations with the E.U.

French birds on the move due to climate change—just not fast enough

How sustainable is your canned tuna? It depends on the retailer

Greenpeace drops boulders on sea floor to disrupt bottom trawling

Beyond high food prices, little to show for $11B/yr in biofuel support, says OECD report

Marine no-take zones are succeeding beyond expectations

Some grasslands resilient against climate change, according to 13 year study

Britain urges ‘cautious approach’ on biofuels

Planet of the Apes Has Arrived, and It Is Spain

Brazil signs sustainable ethanol deal with Sweden

Global warming causes plants to move to higher elevations

Britain, Norway commit $210 million towards Congo rainforest conservation

EU may mandate certification system for Amazon timber

China’s CO2 emissions 14% higher than America’s in 2007

Large shark populations fall 97% in the Mediterranean

Greenpeace ship attacked by Turkish tuna fishermen during protest

Will consumers pay 10% premium for sustainable palm oil?

FSC has ‘failed the world’s forests’ say critics

Eastern Europe could counter high food prices

Copper mine triggers controversy in Armenia

Sustainability mandated for biofuels used in the EU

E.U. may ban palm oil biodiesel

Norway puts $560m toward rainforest conservation

European Union forests expanding, absorbing carbon rapidly

UN says palm oil destroys forests, indigenous cultures in Indonesia, Malaysia

Dutch: no subsidies for biofuels-driven rainforest destruction

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