Costa rica News

183 stories

For Costa Rica’s Indigenous Bribri women, agroforestry is an act of resistance and resilience

Sea turtles: Can these great marine migrators navigate rising human threats?

Hold the scuba: These lizards can breathe underwater

Life and new limbs: Creative thinking, 3D printers save injured wildlife

Battle at the bat box: Camera trap captures ocelot standoff in restored forest

What is a white-faced capuchin? Candid Animal Cam meets monkeys

Reforestation projects should include tree diversity targets, too (commentary)

Scientists in Costa Rica are growing new corals to save reefs

One year on: Insects still in peril as world struggles with global pandemic

A new conservation project is created in Costa Rica thanks to COVID-19

The turtle egg that pinged back: Tracing a poaching pathway in Costa Rica

What is the Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine? Candid Animal Cam heads to Mesoamerica

The post-COVID opportunity for the environment: An interview with the GEF’s Carlos Manuel Rodriguez

Coronavirus caused by ‘unbalancing’ of nature: Q&A with Indigenous leader Levi Sucre Romero

Mangrove forest restoration boosts Costa Rica communities (commentary)

Bold project hopes to DNA barcode every species in Costa Rica

Costa Rica caterpillar decline spells trouble for ecosystems

Deforestation clips howler monkey calls, study finds

Central American countries pledge to protect Mesoamerica’s ‘5 Great Forests’

The Great Insect Dying: How to save insects and ourselves

New nets make shrimp trawling more sustainable in Latin America and Caribbean

Debunking myths about sloths is crucial to stopping the sloth crisis

Sergio Rojas Ortiz, leader of Costa Rica’s indigenous Bribri, slain by gunmen

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

Pesticides could be painting black howler monkeys yellow in Costa Rica

Secondary forests in Costa Rica are re-cleared within decades

Latam Eco Review: Whale attacks, palm oil woes, and hope for vaquitas

The Osa Camera Trap Network: Uniting people to monitor biodiversity

New sloth book features amazing photographs and busts myths [PHOTOS]

How to build a Guardian: students learn about making technology work in the field

A global view from a mountain town: how conservation became ingrained in Monteverde

Re-peeling the effects of degradation: low-tech application of orange crop waste shows potential to restore tropical forests

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