Threats to rainforests News

1964 stories

Amazon at record low — communities isolated, commerce stalled

Extreme drought drops Amazon river to record low levels

Bush administration sued over forest decision

El Salvador’s tropical storm damage worsened by deforestation

Amazon river at record low levels; deforestation blamed

Cocaine destroying rainforest parks in Colombia

Bird sanctuary in Malaysia damaged by illegal logging and forest clearing

Pig iron production fueling Amazon deforestation

Tropical deforestation affects rainfall in North America

Domestic black market for endangered wildlife thrives in Indonesia

NASA Satellite Data Used to Assess Amazon Deforestation

Fires in peat lands cost climate

Easter Island Mystery revealed using mathematical model

Illegal loggers to be imprisoned in Malaysia, possibly executed in Indonesia

Amazon deforestation lower than last year says Brazil

Chevron faces Billion-Dollar Liability for damage in Ecuador

Brazil to crackdown on illegal logging says Environment Minister

Food demand greater threat to wildlife than global warming

Scientists to set fire to Amazon rainforest to study its resilience

Brazilian environment chief arrested on illegal forest-clearing charges

Prize recognizes largest contributor to Amazon rainforest destruction

Second “uncontacted” tribe in Amazon rain forest threatened by loggers

World Bank aims to reduce deforestation rates by 10% by 2010 with help from WWF

Green party quits government to protest Amazon deforestation

Tsunami relief, rainforest attack; aid groups conflict over deforestation and reconstruction

Rainforest loss in the Amazon tops 200,000 square miles, new figures from Brazilian government

Should environmentalists fear logging or learn to understand its impact?

In Madagascar, Woodworking Zafimaniry remember lost forests

Rebuilding tsunami-ravaged Indonesia without further deforestation

Wood Smuggling Link between Indonesia and China

Hardwood flooring linked to illegal timber smuggling ring, says group

‘Human footprint’ to increase with repeal of roadless rule

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