Rainforests and Congo News

273 stories

Norway emerges as champion of rainforest conservation

Elephants populations in the Congo drop 80 percent in fifty years

Cameroon may liquidate rainforest reserve if conservationists don’t step forward

Rainforests absorb 20% of emissions annually

Mountain gorilla population in DR Congo increases 12.5%

Congo cancels logging contracts covering 13M hectares

Missing gorilla rangers return safely in Congo, one dies of cholera in camp

39 rangers missing in Virunga Park after headquarters overtaken by rebels

Forest elephants learn to avoid roads, behavior may lead to population decline

Gorilla refuge falls into rebel hands in Congo; Park HQ seized

DR Congo to cancel two-thirds of logging contracts due to corruption

Commercial bushmeat trade is devastating wildlife

Rare okapi photographed for the first time in Congo park

Malaysia targets Africa and the Amazon for oil palm expansion

Markets could save rainforests: an interview with Andrew Mitchell

1.2 million ha of Congo rainforest certified for sustainable forestry

Massive gorilla population discovered in the Congo

Logging company Danzer accused of tax fraud in the Congo

14 countries win REDD funding to protect tropical forests

Britain, Norway commit $210 million towards Congo rainforest conservation

Congo pygmies use GPS to map eco-certified timber concession

Forest carbon credits could guide development in Congo

Mobile game to help save embattled gorillas in the Congo

Indigenous peoples of Congo map their forests with GPS in an effort to save them

First photos of face-to-face mating by gorillas in the wild

DR Congo has great potential for biofuels says U.N. official

REDD will fail if needs of forest communities aren’t addressed

Tropical forests face huge threat from industrial agriculture

Returns from carbon offsets could beat palm oil in Congo DRC

Rainforest Reserve Established in DR Congo to save bonobo

Congo pygmies to meet World Bank President Zoellick over forest destruction

Photo: newborn mountain gorilla born in Congo

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