Photoblog africa News

42 stories

Best of 2012 – Baobab in Madagascar

Best of 2012 – Glowing red-orange fungi in Madagascar

Best of 2012 – Rainforest of Madagascar’s Masoala Peninsula

Best of 2012 – Nile River sunset in Aswan

Crowned lemur in Madagascar

Gorgeous Parson’s chameleon

Tree-climbing lion of Uganda

Blue Monkey on Mt Kenya

African elephant in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park

Gecko meet insect

Eaten to endangerment: the giant forest snail

Cheetah and African wild dogs go extinct in Cameroon

The humble, sometimes helpful, sometimes deadly, fly

An acrobatic chacma baboon

Planned road to sever Serengeti

The shy forest buffalo

Just how smart is this bee?

Critically Endangered: the hermit ibis

Practicing for the World Cup

Little bee-eater in Zimbabwe

Hippo rising

Barefoot in the rainforest

Chad’s elephant wars

Eight lions in Kenya poisoned with pesticide

Orchids for Spring

African elephant greets the sunset

50 years after Jane Goodall’s pioneering work with chimpanzees

Baby baboon

Children of Uganda

African Buffalo from Above

Frogs of Madagascar

Child in a Vezo fishing village in Madagascar

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