Megafauna News

190 stories

Featured video: elephant advocates ask Antiques Roadshow to stop appraising ivory

Death of young Sumatran rhino shouldn’t discourage captive breeding efforts say conservationists

Kala: the face of tigers in peril

Meet Iman: the Sumatran rhino’s newest hope for survival

Blame humans: new research proves people killed off New Zealand’s giant birds

Conservationists catch wild Sumatran rhino, raising hope for world’s most endangered rhinoceros

Palm oil plantations allegedly poison seven Critically Endangered elephants in Sumatra

Ivory trade’s shocking toll: 65% of world’s forest elephants killed in 12 years (warning: graphic image)

Over 75 percent of large predators declining

Scientists make one of the biggest animal discoveries of the century: a new tapir

86 percent of big animals in the Sahara Desert are extinct or endangered

Elusive giraffe-relative – the okapi – now listed as Endangered

Armored giant turns out to be vital ecosystem engineer

Tapirs, drug-trafficking, and eco-police: practicing conservation amidst chaos in Nicaragua

Nutrient deficiency in Amazon rainforest linked to megafauna extinction

Kenya getting tough on poachers, set to increase fines and jail time

Malaysia may be home to more Asian tapirs than previously thought (photos)

Bison return to Germany after 300 year absence

Seeing the forest through the elephants: slaughtered elephants taking rainforest trees with them

Scientists document baby giant armadillo for first time (photos)

Photos: Scientists discover tapir bonanza in the Amazon

Three developing nations move to ban hunting to protect vanishing wildlife

Asia’s third largest animal may be on the rebound

Key mammals dying off in rainforest fragments

Humans killed off magnificent Australian megafauna, flipping rainforest into savannah

When giant coyotes roamed the Earth

Vietnamese rhino goes extinct

Loving the tapir: pioneering conservation for South America’s biggest animal

Eastern cougar officially declared extinct

Monster turtle killed off by man

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