Climate News

442 stories

Bad weather knocks down Brazil’s grain production as ‘exhaustively forewarned’

As stronger storms hit Bangladesh farmers, banks are climate collateral damage

Elevated homesteads give hope to flood-hit communities in Bangladesh

‘The volume of water is beyond control’: Q&A with flood expert M. Monirul Qader Mirza

Planned coal plants fizzle as Japan ends financing in Indonesia, Bangladesh

‘The return of land to Indigenous people is key’: Q&A with Shinnecock Kelp Farm’s Tela Troge

With sea ice melting, glacial ice could be a lifeline for polar bears

Even Antarctic snow can’t escape the plastic peril, study shows

How will climate change impact cold-water corals? Mostly through food loss, study says

Conflict over resources in Kenya hits deadly highs with firearms in play

As biomass burning surges in Japan and South Korea, where will Asia get its wood?

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee urges scale back of biomass burning

Geoengineering Earth’s climate future: Straight talk with Wake Smith

Missing the emissions for the trees: Biomass burning booms in East Asia

2021 tropical forest loss figures put zero-deforestation goal by 2030 out of reach

Cradle of transformation: The Mediterranean and climate change

Freshwater planetary boundary “considerably” transgressed: New research

Tropical trees’ growth and CO2 intake hit by more extreme dry seasons

Robot revolution: A new real-time accounting system for ocean carbon

International funding nowhere near enough for Indonesia to cut emissions: Study

Climate pledges could limit warming to 2C. What’s needed is action, study says

IPCC report calls for ‘immediate and deep’ carbon cuts to slow climate change

Reaching the Paris Agreement without protecting Indigenous lands is “impossible”, says report

‘Giving up’: Amazon is losing its resilience under human pressure, study shows

Marine cold spells, a potential buffer against warming seas, are fading away

Multiyear ice thinner than thought as Arctic sea ice reaches winter max: Studies

Study: Indonesia’s forest-clearing moratorium underdelivered — but so did donors

Activists vow to take EU to court to fight its forest biomass policies

Moore Foundation pledges extra $300m to boost conservation of Amazon

In destroying the Amazon, big agribusiness is torching its own viability

Aerosol pollution: Destabilizing Earth’s climate and a threat to health

Revealed: Timber giant quietly converts Congo logging sites to carbon schemes

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