Bold and dangerous ideas that may save the world News

304 stories

World’s bluest lizard headed toward extinction?

Amazon Indians use Google Earth, GPS to protect forest home

Avoided deforestation could send $38 billion to third world under global warming pact

Rare, 90-million-year-old tree for sale

Arguing climate change to an energy executive

Saving the world in six “easy” steps

Scientists endorse plan to save rainforests through emissions trading

Developing countries: pay us to save rainforests

Biomimetics, technology that mimics nature

Cultured meat grown in lab petri dish could help solve world food problems

A long-term approach to helping the poor in Africa through private enterprise

Mobilizing seniors to fight poverty in Africa

Saving the Amazonian Rainforest Through Agricultural Certification

Gray Corps of senior citizens could help fight poverty, health problems in developing world

Is Earth Day a waste of time?

Another look at global rainforest conservation

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