In the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean lies a remote tropical island known as Saint Helena. It is a United Kingdom territory that is 1,200 miles (1,950 km) west of the southwestern coast of Africa. “St Helena holds over 30% (502 known native/endemics) of the total endemic diversity of the UK and its overseas … Continue reading Can we save the spiky yellow woodlouse, one of the most endangered isopods? (commentary)
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Can we save the spiky yellow woodlouse, one of the most endangered isopods? (commentary)
In the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean lies a remote tropical island known as Saint Helena. It is a United Kingdom territory that is 1,200 miles (1,950 km) west of the southwestern coast of Africa. “St Helena holds over 30% (502 known native/endemics) of the total endemic diversity of the UK and its overseas … Continue reading Can we save the spiky yellow woodlouse, one of the most endangered isopods? (commentary)