- There are many important conservation and environmental stories Mongabay isn’t able to cover.
- Here’s a digest of some of the significant developments from the week.
- If you think we’ve missed something, feel free to add it in the comments.
Tropical forests
Central African countries embark on an effort for more sustainable architecture (CIFOR Forests News).
Community land rights get a boost in Ethiopia with a new forestry law (CIFOR Forests News).
Authorities in Malaysia have confiscated a haul of rhino horns worth $12 million (Reuters).
A new sanctuary in Malaysia will protect tigers and other wildlife, according to the Rainforest Trust (The Rainforest Trust).
A planned dam in Tanzania could impinge on a vital wildlife sanctuary (BirdLife International).
Other news
Trees in temperate forests are taller but less dense than they were 100 years ago due to climate change (Science Magazine).
New research tracks changes in global fishing trends going back 150 years (Hakai Magazine).
Monsanto’s use of the potentially carcinogenic compound glyphosate, a weed killer, leads to some 8,000 lawsuits (Reuters).
A recent study looks at how beehive fences can protect crops in Tanzania (Earth Touch News).
Namibia’s desert lion faces threats to its survival as a species (The Guardian).
“Environmental terrorist groups” responsible for wildfires in California, says Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke (The New York Times).
The Trump administration says that conserving the use of oil isn’t required for economic reasons anymore (The Guardian).
Wildlife managers in Ethiopia are using goat meat bait balls to deliver rabies vaccine to the country’s endangered wolves (The Guardian).
More than 100 sea turtles died recently in a Mexican sanctuary, and government officials are trying to figure out why (Reuters).
Scientists sound the alarm for pangolins, arguing that the heavily traded animal needs better protection in China (BBC News).
More than two dozen manatees have died in Mexican wetlands since May (Reuters).
Scientists follow the movements of basking sharks using satellites (The Hindu).
Tens of thousands of giraffe parts have entered the U.S. in the past three decades, the Humane Society says (The Guardian).
A fish found in South Africa that’s been around since the dinosaurs could face extinction with new oil drilling (The Guardian).
Trump’s environmental regulation rollbacks face tough tests in court, with three going down this week (The Washington Post).
An algal red tide has killed manatees in Florida this year (The Guardian).
Contact lenses contribute to the microplastic pollution problem when they’re flushed down the toilet (The New York Times).
How much of a problem is the bargain price for carbon emissions set by the Trump administration? (The New York Times).
The EPA plans to allow states to set climate change controls on coal-fired power plants in the U.S. (Reuters).
Despite earlier reports to the contrary, the use of the weedkiller glyphosate is still restricted in Brazil as an appeal is pending in the courts (Reuters).
Banner image of a manatee by Rhett A. Butler/Mongabay.
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