- There are many important conservation and environmental stories Mongabay isn’t able to cover.
- Here’s a digest of some of the significant developments from the week.
- If you think we’ve missed something, feel free to add it in the comments.
Tropical forests
Rangers key to saving forest-rich national park in the Congo Basin (WWF).
Community-led ecotourism gives bonobos a fighting chance (WWF).
Indigenous reserve 15 years in the making nears approval (The Guardian).
As rainforests regrow, some species could come back: New study (University of Salford/Phys.Org).
Camera traps document the wildlife riches of Nigeria’s forests (BBC News).
Women key in plans to save DRC’s forests (WWF).
Sarawak’s chief minister lays out plan to set aside 80 percent of state’s land as forest (Borneo Post).
Camera traps nab crop-raiding wildlife in the act (University of East Anglia/EurekAlert).
Leopard population in Cambodia plummets by 72 percent in just five years, according to new study (Panthera/EurekAlert).
Other news
“Shocking” heat wave strikes the Arctic (The Guardian).
League of Conservation Voters tracks growing abyss between U.S.’s two parties (Mother Jones).
South Dakota Native American reservation leads the way toward energy independence (Pacific Standard).
Natural history museum building models of past ocean ecosystems (Pacific Standard).
New study finds success in community-based wildlife conservation model in Tanzania (Wild Nature Institute/Phys.Org).
Court orders Greenpeace activists to pay after breaking into French nuclear plant (Reuters).
Study finds that our calculations of hydrocarbons emissions have been low (University of York/EurekAlert).
Iranian environmental activist confirmed dead (The New York Times).
Activists protest potential incursion of railway into Kenyan national park (The Guardian).
Rising temperatures could scuttle King penguins (BBC News).
A Louisiana community struggles to hold back the tide (The New York Times).
Robot embarks on voyage to “listen” for humpback songs in the Pacific (Pacific Standard).
Commentator calls for all countries to ban ivory imports, sales in the effort to save elephants from extinction in Africa (The Revelator).
New research: Attract birds, bats to crops to reduce the need for pesticide (Michigan State University/EurekAlert).
Bees could be contracting viruses from other pollinators, leading to their demise (BBC News).
Scientists make strides toward understanding the swirling of the ocean, which could lend insight to climate change predictions (Brown University).
Egypt and Ethiopia square off over damming the Nile (BBC News).
No new calves this year could spell disaster for shrinking North Atlantic right whales (The Guardian).
“Doomsday” seed vault gets funding increase from Norway, nears 1 million deposits (Reuters).
“Massive” carbon storage potential in reforesting parts of the U.S. (University of Michigan).
Genomic research on elephants reveal past interbreeding, a behavior that has stopped (https://phys.org/news/2018-02-sequence-genomes-extinct-elephants.html).
Seychelles puts plan in place to protect 30 percent of its ocean territory (BBC News).
Climate change could alter Indian monsoon, researchers say (Phys.Org).
Soil sequestration of carbon not a long-term solution, study finds (Rothamsted Research/EurekAlert).
Indigenous hunting may not have driven caribou decline (Phys.Org).
Mass mortality events could devastate species on the edge of extinction (The Guardian).
Climate change touches off mass migration, even in the U.S. (Rolling Stone).
Heat wave in the Arctic spurs chill in Europe (The New York Times).
Banner image of bees in DRC by John C. Cannon.
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