Disney goes greener to help save Rainforests

RAN protest against Disney in 2010. Photo: Margery Epstein

Can Mickey Mouse and Nemo change to help save our earth’s rainforests?  Sure they can!  Disney has recently said that it will stop using paper products that came from the destruction of natural rainforests. This new movement has the goal of eliminating paper products that come from irresponsibly harvested wood. Through this Disney hopes to help preserve the world’s rainforests.

  • Disney had been getting paper from Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings (APRIL) and possibly other companies that are responsible for the destruction of vast amounts of pristine Indonesian rainforests.
  • Sumatra, one of the biggest of the Indonesian islands, has lost more than half of its natural forest cover in the last 27 years.
  • Disney’s new campaign will minimize the consumption of paper and minimize damage to rainforests.
  • It will also help to eliminate a market for unjustly harvested wood.
  • Indonesia has one of the highest rates of deforestation in the entire world, this happens partially because of peoples need for large amounts of paper.
  • “Disney is adding its voice to the growing chorus of companies demonstrating that there’s no need to sacrifice endangered forests in Indonesia or elsewhere for the paper we use every day”. – Rebecca Tarbotton of RAN (Rainforest Action Network)
  • This movement will have a massive impact on the world affecting 25,000 factories worldwide, signaling a beginning to a greener future for Disney.

Want to learn more?  Read the full story here: https://news.mongabay.com/2012/1012-disney-paper-policy.html




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