Madagascar was first colonized by a small group of Indonesians who crossed the Indian Ocean some 1,200 years ago, reports a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
The research, which adds to the body of evidence showing that Indonesians — not Africans — first colonized Madagascar, is based on analysis of mitochondrial DNA from 266 Malagasy and 2,745 Indonesian women. Mitochondrial DNA passes from generation to generation through mothers and is commonly used to determine genetic origin.
The study concluded that about 30 Indonesian women, and an unknown number of men, founded Madagascar’s human population.
In the coastal areas of Madagascar, populations are dominated by people of African-descent like this Vezo child. In the highlands, people are more commonly of Indonesian-descent. |
The results are not a surprise. Dominant ethnic groups in Madagascar bear a physical resemblance to modern-day Indonesians and speak a language most similar to Ma’anyan which is used in the Barito River valley of Indonesian Borneo. They also share common cultural practices, including burial rituals and strong preference for rice. Archeologists have also found artifacts with Indonesian origin in Madagascar, including outrigger boats and iron tools.
The latest research was unable to determine how Indonesian colonists originally reached Madagascar, but other studies suggest that they may have sailed across the Indian Ocean in boats. Seasonal wind patterns would facilitate a cross-ocean voyage from Southeast Asia.
Other ethnicities — including black Africans and Arabs — arrived later, contributing to Madagascar’s present-day rich cultural diversity.
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