In the course of reporting for, I spent time in several countries in 2012, including Indonesia, Brazil, Madagascar, and Malaysia, among others. Some of my key stories can be found here.
The following are some of my favorite nature pictures I took in the field. Overall I added more than 20,000 images to the site in 2012. For more, check out, which now has nearly 100,000 captioned photos.
Many of these images are available in high resolution format for purchase at Through the end of the year, you can use code Dec2012 for a 15 percent discount on downloads, prints, and other products.
Prior photo highlights are available for 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2008.
Thanks for your interest in Mongabay and I wish you the best for 2013!
Navigating the photos
You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through the images. “n” also advances through images, while “p” goes to the previous image. Use “c” or click on the background to close the window.