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China calls for sustainable logging by Chinese firms overseas

China calls for sustainable logging overseas

China calls for sustainable logging by Chinese firms overseas
July 11, 2007

China unveiled a draft sustainable forestry handbook for Chinese companies operating overseas. The move comes as the country faces increasing criticism from environmentalists who say China’s booming demand for timber and other materials is destroying the world’s tropical forests.

The guidelines call for a ban on illegal logging and clearing of natural forests for plantations. The manual, which was announced last year, has been distributed to China’s 31 provinces, its forestry department, and various industry groups, and will soon go out to officials in 333 cities and 2,862 counties, according to a statement posted on the Forestry Ministry Web site.

“[The manual] positively guides and standardizes Chinese companies’ sustainable forestry activities overseas, promotes the sustainable development of forestry in those countries (and) protects the international image of our government being responsible,” Deputy Forestry Minister Li Yucai said in a statement, as reported by Reuters.

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