China’s timber imports surge in 2006
China’s timber imports surge in 2006
May 21, 2006
According to China Customs, China’s timber imports surged during the first quarter of 2006.
Log imports increased 18 percent to 8.1 million cubic meters. China customs valued these imports at $897.42 million.
Most of the log imports (64 percent) consisted of softwood logs from Russia. Sawnwood imports amounted to 1.45 million cubic meters worth some $385.72 million.
Separately, the ITTO Tropical Timber Market Report reported that paper multinationals are aggressively investing in China’s paper industry. The report said that by 2010, the total output of China’s paper and paperboard is projected to be nearly 80 million metric tons. China’s demand for paper products is projected to reach 68.5 million metric tons in 2010. Environmental groups say that this growing demand is fueling pulp mill expansion and accelerating the loss of biologically rich forests in Indonesia.
China’s insatiable demand for raw materials is rooted in its tremendous economic growth and has driven the country to pursue resources beyond its borders. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), China’s demand for imported industrial wood — timber, paper and pulp — will grow by at least 33 percent within the next five years, from the current 94 million cubic meters to 125 million cubic meters.
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This article uses information from the ITTO Tropical Timber Market Report.