Oil sands’ development for energy a threat to environment says group
Pembina Institute news release
November 25, 2005
Wednesday the Pembina Institute released “Oil Sands Fever: The Environmental Implications of Canada’s Oil Sands Rush” [PDF]. According to the report’s main author, Dan Woynillowicz, “The story of Canada’s rapid development of the oil sands has only been partially told. What’s been missing from all the discussion and reporting is a comprehensive look at the environmental consequences of this development.”
The boreal forest in northeastern Alberta has been home to some of the most intense industrial activity that has ever taken place on earth. The rush to develop the oil sands and feed the demand for transportation fuels is not unlike the gold rush fever of the 19th century.
“Such development comes at a great cost to the boreal forest, the water and the air,” says Chris Severson-Baker, a co-author of the report. “We need strong environmental management in place to ensure that the development of this non-renewable resource does not leave a legacy of environmental degradation.”
As Canada takes action to meet its Kyoto obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the oil sands industry must be required to make a meaningful contribution. “The government’s ongoing promotion of rapid development of the oil sands stands in stark contradiction to its international obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” says Woynillowicz.
The report sets out some of the Institute’s key recommendations to move Canada towards more responsible development and use of the oil sands while ensuring that the global climate and regional environment are protected. Along with the report, the Institute has also produced a video and slideshow on the oil sands. Visit www.oilsandswatch.org to view them. Oilsandswatch.org provides information to citizens and media who want to learn more about the connections between development of the oil sands and the environmental impacts.
The Pembina Institute is an independent, not-for-profit environmental policy research and education organization with offices in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Drayton Valley, Alberta.
The report can be downloaded at Oil Sands Fever.
This is a modified news release from the Pembina Institute.