Biochar News

Terra preta found in Asia

Indigenous people of the Amazon produced rich agricultural soil by adding charcoal, manure, and animal bones to the otherwise nutrient-poor dirt of the world's greatest rainforest. The inputs allowed early…

Dapatkah Biochar Selamatkan Dunia?

Sebuah wawancara dengan Laurens Rademakers dari Biochar Fund. Biochar - penggunaan arang yang diproduksi dari membakar biomassa untuk pertanian - mungkin merupakan saru dari revolusi lingkungan dan sosial yang terpenting…

Could biochar save the world?

An interview with Laurens Rademakers of Biochar Fund. Biochar—the agricultural application of charcoal produced from burning biomass—may be one of this century's most important social and environmental revolutions. This seemingly…